
Posts Tagged ‘ballard ave’

Ballard Restaurant News – January

It’s been an exciting week for us. We’ve had two blogs pick up the story of this project and our Top Ten list.

Ballard Restaurant Project picks their top 10 of 2011 from My Ballard.

Couple eats their way through Ballard; reveals Top 10 restaurants in Ballard from The Ballard News Tribune.

A few Facebook pages linked to our Best of and Honorable Mentions lists as well: Tuesdays In Ballard, Cafe Mox, Sexton Seattle (#5 on our Best of list), The Twisted Geeks Postcast, and Card Kingdom.

Thank you to everyone who has spread the word about our project. We really appreciate it.

Zesto’s, one of our choices for worst meals of the project (post coming soon), closed and will reopen as a  RoRo BBQ.

The Amber Den, a comfortable wine bar, will open soon just off the east end of Market Street.

A nice article from the Seattle Weekly that gives a more in depth idea of what innovations Belle Clementine is bringing to Ballard’s restaurant scene. Plus, the owner, David Sanford, offers a recipe for Brussels Sprouts and Apple Salad with Caraway Vinaigrette.

To warm up those cold, grey days, Bastille now offers a tropical cocktail menu.

A nice review of one of our favorites, The Monkey Bridge.

Kangaroo & Kiwi Pub will take Carnegie’s space that has been empty for a year.Once they open,  cuisines from all the continents except for Antarctica will be represented in the Ballard.

Bitterroot BBQ now open on Ballard Ave and making the street smell like smoking meat. Our review will be coming soon.

Urban Family Public House opens next door to The Sexton.

Yozen, a self-serve frozen yogurt store, opens on Market St.

Our number 10 restaurant, Flying Squirrel Pizza, now offers a delicious looking meatball pizza.I know where we’re eating this weekend.

A nice little piece about Jay Kuehner, bartender at Sambar. Yes, Le Gourmand and Sambar are on the short list of Ballard restaurants outside the Project’s original boundaries that we will review in the coming year.

Another from the Seattle Weekly, a short profile of our number 5 favorite restaurant, The Sexton.

There you go. I’ll try to make this post a weekly thing since Ballard’s restaurant scene is changing daily it seems.

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